Access To Care
Access to Care
The Military Health System (MHS) provides care through an integrated system of readiness and health designed and resourced to provide services to TRICARE beneficiaries. This care is delivered through military medical treatment facilities (MTFs) and a seamless network of TRICARE providers around the globe.
Defense Health Network, Indo Pacific (DHN-IP) MTFs (including those here in Korea) provide high quality health care for Active-Duty Service Members (ADSM) and their families in the Pacific theater and beyond to ensure Soldiers are medically ready to support the mission.
MTFs in Korea also provide care to retirees, family members enrolled in TRICARE Select, and non-TRICARE beneficiaries on a Space-Available basis.
Priorities of Care at BDAACH
BDAACH provides health care to beneficiaries according to priorities as determined by DoD and TRICARE policy.

Space-Available Care
What is Space-A Health Care?
Space-Available care simply means that if an appointment is available and not already booked by ADSM and their families, then a Space-A patient may use that appointment slot. MTFs offer Space-A appointments on a “same-day” basis. This means you cannot book Space-A appointments for a future date. If all appointments are booked or otherwise unavailable, then Space-A patients must seek treatment in a host nation facility.
Who is eligible for Space-A Care?
Space-A patients are those listed as Priorities 4-6, including Retirees or Civilian beneficiaries not empaneled to BDAACH.
What types of Space-A appointments are offered?
- Space-A appointments are for episodic care, which address occasional medical needs that are newly occurring or changing. Examples of episodic health issues include: minor illnesses, muscle injuries and gastroenteritis.
- Space-A appointments are not available for chronic medical needs, which are long-term concerns that require routine monitoring and follow-up care. Examples of chronic health problems include: diabetes, hypertension and other major ailments.
- Patients who have chronic health problems, but experience an episodic health issue, can be seen at on a space-available basis for treatment of that specific episodic health issue.
Space-A appointments are only available to BDAACH PCMH (Camp Humphreys, Area III) and Wood PCMH (Camp Walker, Area IV).
NOTE: Space-A care within PCMH does not automatically authorize care to BDAACH Specialty Clinics.
How to make a Space-A appointment
Call the Central Appointment Line at 1000 to check if there are any same-day Space-A appointments open.
Health Care Options
Space-A patients are strongly recommended to find a civilian provider in the Host Nation Network (HNN) to manage chronic conditions, provide refills, and refer to specialists as needed.
How do I find a civilian provider in Korea?
The overseas contractor, International SOS, has established a network of qualified providers in all overseas areas for TRICARE beneficiaries. To find an overseas provider, search the Overseas Provider Directory. If you're not a TRICARE beneficiary, please contact your medical insurance provider for assistance.
Are you a DOD Civilian or Contractor?
If you’re a DOD civilian employee or contractor stationed in Korea, you should contact your medical insurance provider for help in finding health care options.
What about Emergency Care?
MTF Emergency Departments are always available 24/7 for anyone with installation access on a cost reimbursable basis (billed against patient’s insurance) and subject to both capability and capacity.
What about Pharmacy Services?
DoD Civilians and Contractors are eligible to have prescriptions filled at MTFs. Prescriptions must be from a licensed U.S. provider, be written in English, and may take between one to three days to fill.
Last Updated 12/3/2020