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According to Health Affairs Policy 97-052, only Active Duty Family Members (ADFMs) who meet the Joint Federal Travel Regulation (JFTR) definition of Command Sponsored are eligible for enrollment into TRICARE Overseas Program (TOP) Prime. Command sponsorship is annotated on your assignment orders. The TRICARE enrollment clerks must verify command sponsorship from your official orders in order to enroll your family in TOP Prime.
We have several families who are on a joint domicile assignment in Korea. If the dual-Active Duty couple has accompanying children, one of the service members must have the children listed as command sponsored on their assignment orders in order for the children to be eligible to enroll in TOP Prime.
Many host nation providers expect payment at the time services are provided, often in local currency instead of U.S. dollars. Most host nation facilities will accept a U.S. bank credit card, especially in the larger metropolitan areas.
Obstetrical (OB) care is available to Active Duty Service Members, Retirees, DoD Employees, and Family Members, throughout Korea. To obtain OB care, patients should first report to the nearest Military Treatment Facility (MTF) for confirmation of their pregnancy. If the local MTF cannot provide the necessary care, then the provider will either refer the patient to a Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital provider, or to a local TRICARE-accepting host nation partnership hospital. However, if the patient is determined to have a high risk pregnancy, or if the patient prefers to utilize a host nation hospital due to traveling distance, the OB provider may refer the patients to TRICARE in order for the patient to obtain an approved referral to one of the host nation partnership hospitals.
TRICARE Standard patients (retirees and non-command sponsored family members primarily) are highly encouraged to obtain an approved referral, signed by a MTF provider and approved by the TRICARE Service Center, before going to a host nation partnership hospital in order to avoid full, up front, out-of-pocket payments (and the requirement to file for reimbursement later).
The TRICARE Service Center is located within the Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital (BDAACH), Managed Care Division, Room 1150 on Yongsan Garrison, across from the Asian Garden, Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital. The TRICARE Service Center offers the following services to Active Duty Service Members, command and non-command sponsored family members, retirees, DoD Civilians and Contractors throughout the peninsula:
If you have a referral from a Military Treatment Facility provider, the TRICARE Service Center can arrange for your care at one of our host nation partnership hospitals or clinics across the peninsula and you will only pay your deductible (if not already met for the year) and your 25% cost share at the time of your appointment.
The next time you need care at a host nation facility,
There are many information options for you.
DSN: 315-737-CARE (2273)
Commercial: 0503-337-2273
DSN: 911 Off Post: 119 Commercial: 0503-355-7911
Monday-Friday 7:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.; 10 a.m. for same-day Space-A appointments
Hours: 24/7
Brian D. Allgood Army Community Hospital Bldg. 3030, Bldg. 3031, Indianhead Ave, USAG Humphreys