Health Services

Primary Care

Primary care is a health service you get from a primary care provider or primary care manager (or PCM) during a doctor’s visit. Some of these services include:

  • Routine care, like an annual physical exam
  • Medical treatment for nonemergency or nonurgent care
  • Follow-up care if you have ongoing medical problems
  • Preventive health care, like immunizations and allergy shots
  • Family planning
  • Patient education and counseling

Primary care also includes medically necessary diagnostic laboratory and X-ray procedures and tests. Primary care is used to treat adults and children, including infants and newborns.

Contact Us


Central Appointment Line
Hours: Mon-Fri 0730-1630; 1000 for same-day Space-A appointments
DSN: 315-737-CARE (2273)
Commercial: 0503-337-2273
Information Desk (General Inquiries)
Hours: 24/7

DSN: 315-737-1411
Commercial: 0503-337-1411

MHS Nurse Advise Line
Hours: 24/7
DSN: 888-901-7144
Commercial: 080-500-4011
DSN: 911
Off Post: 119
Commercial: 0503-355-7911
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