Getting Care

Outpatient Medical Records

Brian D. Allgood Patient Administration Division maintains the outpatient medical records for all beneficiaries who receive their care in BDAACH specialty clinics or do not have a primary care manager. If you receive your medical care at any of our outpatient clinics affiliated with BDAACH, your outpatient medical records are maintained at those locations. For beneficiaries that receive care in one of our community-based primary care clinics, your outpatient medical records are maintained at the clinic where your sponsors’ records are maintained.


General Information

  • Health Records may not be hand carried by the patient according to current laws and Department of Defense policy. 
  • When transferring, contact your servicing medical records room for instructions on how your medical records will be moved to the new location. Records are not transferred during out-processing. Military medical facilities may request transfer of medical records using DD Form 877 during in-processing at your next duty station. Have a copy of your orders and all amendments available during this time.  Patients may request a copy of their records at any time and obtaining a complete copy is recommended if PCSing to a remote location for recruiting or other duties where a military treatment facility will not be located close to your location.
  • Health records are retired three years after a patient’s last recorded clinic visit unless associated with an active duty tour as a Service Member or dependent.
  • Dependent health records are archived in Saint Louis, MO.
  • Active duty member health records are archived in San Antonio, TX.

Requesting Records

Hours of Operation:

Mon-Wed & Fri: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Thurs: 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Closed on US Holidays

For a copy of medical records, fill out a DD2870 and send it to:
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